Due to upcoming rumors and fake WhatsApp forwards WhatsApp finds a way to deal with these problems. WhatsApp is launching a new feature in which WhatsApp messages will be labeled as forwarded if the message is being forwarded from many accounts.
WhatsApp has been struggling to control the spread of misinformation and fake news on its platform. While this is an issue across social media, it is a more complex problem on WhatsApp as all messages are end-to-end encrypted. Following a strong missive from the Indian government last week, WhatsApp had responded with a list of features it was rolling out to control the spread of messages that had led to instances of violence across India over the past few weeks. Along with more control for group administrators, the platform had listed the labeling of messages as one of the key features that could help bring down the spread of such posts.
WhatsApp has been struggling to control the spread of misinformation and fake news on its platform. While this is an issue across social media, it is a more complex problem on WhatsApp as all messages are end-to-end encrypted. Following a strong missive from the Indian government last week, WhatsApp had responded with a list of features it was rolling out to control the spread of messages that had led to instances of violence across India over the past few weeks. Along with more control for group administrators, the platform had listed the labeling of messages as one of the key features that could help bring down the spread of such posts.
WhatsApp has enabled a feature which will indicate that a certain message has been forwarded, and not created by the sender. “This extra context will help make one-on-one and group chats easier to follow. It also helps you determine if your friend or relative wrote the message they sent or if it originally came from someone else,” the messaging service said in a post.
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